Publications of year 1995
Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. E. Masry and F. Bullo. Convergence Analysis of the Sign Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 41(2):489-495, 1995.
    @Article{ em-fb:95,
    author = {E. Masry and F. Bullo},
    title = "Convergence Analysis of the Sign Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering",
    journal = tit,
    year = 1995,
    volume = 41,
    number = 2,
    pages = {489-495},
    doi = {10.1109/18.370150},
    pdf = {} 

Conference articles
  1. F. Bullo and R. M. Murray. Proportional derivative (PD) control on the Euclidean group. In European Control Conference, Rome, Italy, pages 1091-1097, June 1995.
    @InProceedings{ fb-rmm:95b,
    author = "F. Bullo and R. M. Murray",
    title = "Proportional derivative ({PD}) control on the {E}uclidean group",
    booktitle = ecc,
    month = jun,
    year = 1995,
    address = "Rome, Italy",
    novolume = 2,
    pages = "1091-1097",
    pdf = {} 

  2. F. Bullo, R. M. Murray, and A. Sarti. Control on the sphere and reduced attitude stabilization. In IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Tahoe City, CA, USA, pages 495-501, June 1995.
    @InProceedings{ fb-rmm-as:94b,
    author = "F. Bullo and R. M. Murray and A. Sarti",
    title = "Control on the sphere and reduced attitude stabilization",
    booktitle = nolcos,
    year = 1995,
    month = jun,
    address = {Tahoe City, CA, USA},
    pages = "495-501",
    pdf = {},
    doi = {10.1016/S1474-6670(17)46878-9} 

Internal reports
  1. F. Bullo and R. M. Murray. Proportional Derivative (PD) Control on the Euclidean Group. Technical Report Caltech/CDS 95--010, California Institute of Technology, May 1995. Note: Available at
    @TechReport{ fb-rmm:95c-techreport,
    author = "F. Bullo and R. M. Murray",
    title = "Proportional Derivative ({PD}) Control on the {E}uclidean Group",
    oldnote = "Short version appeared in the Proc. of ECC'95. {A}vailable at \ {}",
    note = "{A}vailable at \ {}",
    institution = "California Institute of Technology",
    type = "Technical Report",
    number = {Caltech/CDS 95--010},
    pdf = {},
    month = may,
    year = 1995 

  2. F. Bullo, R. M. Murray, and A. Sarti. Control on the Sphere and Reduced Attitude Stabilization. Technical Report Caltech/CDS 95--005, California Institute of Technology, January 1995. Note: Short version appeared in Proc. of the 1995 IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear control systems design (NOLCOS). Available at
    @TechReport{ fb-rmm-as:95a,
    author = "F. Bullo and R. M. Murray and A. Sarti",
    title = "Control on the Sphere and Reduced Attitude Stabilization",
    note = "Short version appeared in Proc. of the 1995 {IFAC} Symposium on Nonlinear control systems design ({NOLCOS}). {A}vailable at \ {}",
    institution = "California Institute of Technology",
    type = "Technical Report",
    number = {Caltech/CDS 95--005},
    pdf = {},
    month = jan,
    year = 1995 

  1. F. Bullo. Nonholomobile mobile robot's manual, 1995.
    @Misc{ fb:95old,
    title = {Nonholomobile mobile robot's manual},
    author = {F. Bullo},
    organization = {California Institute of Technology},
    year = 1995,
    oldnote = {Available at \ {}} 